headbands at http://www.etsy.com/shop/bethanylorelle
Now up until recently hats and headpieces have only been acceptable at church or the race track. We are bringing back the days of Jane Austin(Pride and Prejudice) where woman cared about their appearance stepping outside as we do now getting ready on a Friday night. I am a strong advocate of bringing back a little romanticism into our wardrobe and maybe we can get a little more manners from people too;)
Some of these designs are perfect in place of a veil or to dress up your bridesmaids. I found this amazing designer Bethany Lorelle who will custom make anything your heart desires. her Old Hollywood glamor shines through in her pieces and illuminates an outfit instantly.
if you want to take matters into your own hands and DIY check out another fab find at http://www.etsy.com/people/fancygoods . Here you can find a nice assortmant of feathers, beads and some embelleshments to make your own or style an event with a feathery inspiration. One of my favorite finds at fancygoods was their feathery tool, perfect for a birdcage headpiece.

awwww,i am just loving everything..this is the best eye candy ever!!